The graphics are beautiful, so is the immersive sound design. The matches are more dynamic, shorter, faster, enforced by the fact that in squad mode you command a whole squad of bots, and you can choose mid-shootout which one you use, opening switching between rifles and machine guns and such. Enlisted just gives you a choice, if you wanna camp, go camp and be a usefull are denial while doing so, if not, go push. That means that you don't have the same issue as in HaG, where when there is a potentially overpowered sniper spot, it is branched over or no windows in that direction.
Also all the buildings have interior, and you can open windows and doors. That said, Enlisted from my perspective has a nice thing, maps that are not as empty, and everything is usually closer. I'm a tryhard casual with not a lot of time on my hands, and I usually main scoped rifles and try to think real hard about what I'm doing with positioning n stuff.
So recently I read something along the lines of if people here worry that the playerbase will move over to Enlisted. TL DR: Enlisted is slightly different but smoother more dynamic gameplay with better graphics, camo, and more details, and good optimization.